Project information

  • Category: Desktop development
  • Technologies:
  • Project URL: Not Yet Publish


VTrust voting system main objective is implement the 100% trusted decentralize voting environment for future world. Other thing is this system has public and private potentials. So person who like to make a decisions according to public audience sentiment, that public environment provide by the system. And another person like make decision according to group of people like as national ballots, that private environment also provide by the system. So any kind of poll or ballot can create in here and can get the trusted data. This is not a traditional web system. Web 3.0 technologies we utilize for this system. That’s why we using metamask wallet to register the system. And we also concern about the portability, that proposal mentioned one of nonfunctional requirement. VTrust web application, so I always concern about the mobile responsiveness of the site because that characteristics provide portability ability for website. Other thing is reliability, Website always after verifying the data provide suitable flash message or suitable validation message inside of the particular form. It is very helpful to user to identify the issue what he done according to certain occasion.